
  • Vondelpark Amsterdam
  • Vondelpark - Former Film Museum
  • Vondelpark Openluchttheater
  • Vondelpark
  • Vondelpark - Statue
  • Vondelpark - Pond


Within a few minutes walking distance from the busy Kalverstraat you can find the Vondelpark, which is an oasis of relaxing activity. In this ‘Central Park’ of Amsterdam residents run, walk or skate, but also enjoy a private picnic. Would you rather enjoy something out on a terrace? Then go to Het Blauwe Theehuis or the Vondeltuin. In the Vonderpark open-air theatre you can enjoy concerts and theatre performances during the summer months.


Way to go in the Vondelpark

Funny detail of human nature, almost everyone runs, cycles or skates counter clockwise. Check it out for yourself at the Vondelpark.

Constantijn Huygenstraat
1017 AA Amsterdam

The Vondelpark is all year round open to the public, 24 hours per day.

You can enter the Vondelpark free of charge. There is also free drinking water.
