Liberation Day Netherlands

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  • Liberation Day

Liberation Day Netherlands

Every 5th of May the Dutch celebrate their liberation from the Germans back in 1945. After five years of suppression by Hitler, The Netherlands were a free country again. Up to this day this fact is commemorated. On May 4 at eight o’clock in the evening, the whole country is silent for two minutes to remember those who have passed in World War II. The King also lays a wreath at the National Monument on Damsquare in Amsterdam. The next day it is time to celebrate freedom with music and food.


Celebrate freedom

All over town you’ll find mini festivals with different characters. Some are more attuned to families, others program electronic dance music or cabaret. All the mini-festivals have in common that freedom is celebrated in the broadest sense. Everyone has the right to feel free, whether you’re gay, straight, poor, young or old.

Meals of freedom

Besides music there is also food. On the 5th of May the people of Amsterdam are invited to share meals with each other. These so called meals of freedom are organized to facilitate discussions about freedom. What better way to get to know new people and understand their believes and way of life than over a good meal?

Liberation Day Netherlands
Celebrated all through the city

Liberation day is celebrated in the Netherlands on the 5th of May.

Most festivities on Liberation Day are free of charge.
