• Brix


Like they say themselves, Brix is the perfect place for wining, dining and socializing. Right in the middle of the Negen Straatjes (The Nine Streets) this trendy lounge bar offers a good excuse to relish your shopping purchases while you enjoy a good cup of coffee and sandwich.


Delicious food

Are you a tourist in Amsterdam? Try the ‘XL Krentenbol’, as this currant bun version of the classic sandwich with cheese is a real attraction. And if you’re done shopping, try one of the affordable quality wines with finger food such as prawns with chili sauce or crostini with buffalo mozzarella, tapenade and cherry tomatoes, enticing you stay for dinner as well at Brix.


Brix perfectly fits the Shopalicious Profile as it’s located in the heart of the Nine Streets, which are a true shopping galore for most. Sit down, relax and admire the beautiful stuff you just bought in style.

Wolvenstraat 16
1016 EP Amsterdam
The Nine Streets

Monday: 11.00 – 01.00
Tuesday: 11.00 – 01.00
Wednesday: 11.00 – 01.00
Thursday: 11.00 – 01.00
Friday: 11.00 – 03.00
Saturday: 11.00 – 03.00
Sunday: 11.00 – 01.00

To give you an idea:

Cauliflower soup with mushrooms and fresh bread
€ 6,5

Finely sliced Angus beef with soy sesame pearls
€ 9

Fish and chips
€ 8,5

Calamari with garlic dressing
€ 6,5

Fish of the day
€ 16,5
