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  • Kingsday in the Netherlands


On April 30th 2013 the Netherlands celebrated their last Queensday. On that day Queen Beatrix handed over the throne to her oldest son, Willem-Alexander. So now we have a king! And to celebrate that, from now on every 26th of April will be Kingsday. It’s the one day of the year that everything turns orange (our national colour) in Amsterdam. If you are in town that day, we can only advise you to join in the celebration. Buy yourself an orange hat, grab a beer and party along with us!


Where to go?

People from all over the Netherlands come to Amsterdam on this day, so the areas around the biggest train stations can get very crowded. The nice thing is though, that there are little parties all over town. Just wander around and find one that suits your mood. Lots of bars have live music and there is a big DJ festival on the Java island (North).

Second-hand shopping

Kingsday is the one day that people in the Netherlands are allowed to sell things on the street like one big flea market. So if you like browsing second-hand markets, Kingsday is a good day for you! The street market starts very early in the morning!

Happens all through town

Kingsday is celebrated yearly on the:

26th of April

Most festivities are free of charge.
