Camping Zeeburg

  • Camping Zeeburg
  • Camping Zeeburg - Wagonnettes

Camping Zeeburg

Camping on an island and still be close to the city? It is possible on Camping Zeeburg. Situated on a small island in the IJmeer, this campsite is perfect for those who want to enjoy both the city and nature. Public transport takes you to the City Center within 20 minutes or do as the locals do: rent a bike on the campsite and cycle to wherever you want to go! You can bring your own tent or book one of the available eco-cabins. Even better are the colorful Pippi Longstocking inspired wagonettes.


Wagonettes and eco-cabins

Each wagonette has bunk beds including linen, central heating and free WiFi access. The covered porch of the wagonette offers you your own private rainproof terrace. The eco-cabins have floor heating and a grass roof that naturally regulates the inside temperature. They also have an outdoor seating area. Very popular, so book in advance.

Camping Zeeburg
Zuider IJdijk 20
1095 KN Amsterdam
Zeeburg & IJburg

Camping Zeeburg is opened all year round.

€ 7 – € 25

Camper or caravan spot:
€ 15 – € 29

Eco cabin:
€ 25 – € 115

€ 33 – € 105
