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A pub crawl takes you into 5 different pubs in a specific area, each with its own unique style and atmosphere. It’s free of charge and self organised. It will take the average walker about 3:30 hours if you consume approximately two beers at each pub. The best time would be to start around 21:00 so you can continue after visiting the last pub. During the weekend you will get the best experience so be sure to check it out then.

This November we highlight the pub crawl into a very popular, bohemian part of Amsterdam, neighborhood the Pijp. It offers a very diverse range of places with lots of variety in the kinds of pubs. A nice option to do if you stay in the Pijp or want to experience the free spirited culture in Amsterdam. Starting point is at Café Dopey’s Elixer at the Lutmanstraat 49. All the details can be found here: Pub crawl: The Pijp.